Ernest Hemingway's "Soldier's Home" is a poignant short story that explores the psychological aftermath of war. Through the character of Harold Krebs, Hemingway delves into the challenges faced by soldiers returning from war and the difficulties they encounter in readjusting to civilian life. In this essay, I will analyze the characters, setting, main themes, dialogue, and situations that occur during the story, as well as the place where the story occurs and the emotions felt by the characters.
Ernest Hemingway's short story "Soldier's Home" delves into the psychological aftermath of war and the challenges faced by returning soldiers in readjusting to civilian life. Through the protagonist, Krebs, Hemingway explores themes of detachment, alienation, and the disconnect between the returning soldier and his community. This essay will analyze a major quote from the story – "But after I got them to leave and shut the door and turned off the light, it wasn't any good." It was like saying good-by
Soldier’s Home is a short story written by Earnest Hemingway and published in 1925. One of the most compelling features of the work is its brevity and omission. Lamb notes, “The short story’s lack of space leads to prose that relies heavily on suggestiveness and implication, allowing the reader a greater role in bringing the narrative to life” (Lamb 34). As a former journalist, Hemingway learned to write in a concise style that put the maximum information into every word, to the point of omitting
Essay 4 Veteran`s Difficulties in Relating to the Family “Soldier’s Home” by Ernest Hemingway is a story in which an American war veteran, Harold Krebs, returns from World War I to his home in Oklahoma. He comes home later than the other soldiers do, and he misses the welcome greetings of his home town people. He tries to tell his war story to people, but he finds out no one is interested in listening to him. Krebs decides to lie about his
perspective of the world can alter by an event. Events can alter one’s perspective of the world when one decides to take interest in an event or participate in one. In these three short stories, “Soldier’s Home” by Ernest Hemingway, “Speaking of Courage” by Tim O’Brien, and “The Destructors” by Graham Greene, “Soldier’s Home” and “Speaking of Courage” are very alike when Norman Bowker, and Krebs, the protagonist, has just returned from being drafted in the war. Norman and Krebs are incapable to resume their
The short story by Ernest Hemingway’s “Soldier’s Home” is a story of a soldier named Harold Krebs who returns from World War I as a transformed person. He is given the opportunity from his family to get his life back on track after being in the war. But Harold has no interest. The poem “Harlem” by Langston Huges is a short poem where it is taken place in Harlem. It looks like what an African American was going through during the early 1900s. During that time African Americans would fight just to
In Earnest Hemingway’s “Soldier’s Home,” Krebs comes home from the marines in 1991, far after all the men that were drafter came home. In the beginning, Krebs didn’t like having a conversation that had anything to do with the war, then when he felt like talking about it no one wanted to listen. Too many stories have been heard for anybody to care. Krebs thought that the only way to be heard was by spreading lies. Krebs wanted a girl, but he didn’t want one bad enough to work for one. The marines
“Soldier’s Home” by Ernest Hemingway is a story about a soldier named Harold Krebs having a hard time adjusting to civilian life after returning home from World War 1. Krebs stays overseas longer than the other soldiers and missed the greeting of the heroes in his hometown of Oklahoma City. Because he returned home later than expected, when Krebs felt the urge to talk to someone about his personal experience in the war, he discovered that everyone has already moved on and are no longer interested
In the Ernest Hemingway story “Soldier’s Home,” Harold Krebs is a young man coming back from World War I. He has a hard time coming back to normal life after the war. He suffers from post-traumatic stress disorder. No one will listen to his stories about the war, so he lies to make people more interested but still no one cares and he gives up talking to people at all. He feels he belongs before the war, after the war his home town is still the same but he feels he does not belong. Krebs fells he
veterans returning home from their service in the military, their first struggle they encounter is usually the emotional stress they carry from their experiences at war. In the early 1900’s the difficulties these returning soldiers possessed were not being recognized as something family, friends, and doctors needed to worry about. Although all soldiers share different stories about their hardships, most veterans could agree that it was tough to settle back into their previous home as quick as their